Polari User Popup


  • Show a list of users in the room
  • Find a user to start a private conversation
    • Try to be clever about the sorting so you mostly don't have to search
  • Mark people as favorites to get notifications and so forth about their presence.


  • See who have recently joined the channel
    • You may be waiting for someone to join the channel..
      • It is hard to track who joined a channel when there is an ongoing conversation, even people we would emit status messages for.
  • Status compression and status hiding are taking that noise away from the chatview and only emitting for people you are interested in.

Relevant Art



  • Differentiates between online and offline users and joining and leaving a room. Emits join and leave messages in chatview, albeit not very often because its less common.
  • In contrast, there is no differentiation in IRC so you get lots of join/leave messages.

=== IRCCloud ===


  • Everything is emitted, userlist is a sidebar.

Nautilus column sorting


  • Implies that there is some usefulness in sorting by name, which in this case there isn't..it is always faster to just search.




  • Design is only applicable if there indeed is a use case for sorting after activity. -bastianilso
  • Otherwise, sorting can be dropped and then only the favorite view becomes relevant. -bastianilso

Design/Apps/Polari/UserList (last edited 2016-12-13 02:07:02 by MatthiasClasen)