Internet chat (IRC) client for GNOME
- Talk in chat rooms
- Save history
- Clearly identify "mentions"
- Allow easy access to history
- Remember last used rooms
- Offer sensible list of networks
- Detect links posted in the room and display them
- Support saving or sending transcripts
- Native GNOME 3 notifications
- Integrated pastebin support
- Integrated bugzilla support
- File transfers
- Support for 20+ rooms and private chats
- Contacts integration (display servers, nicks and availability in GNOME Contacts)?
Relevant Art
IRC Cloud
Tentative Design
For me, the biggest UX bug with IRC is that it doesn't handle interruptions. You can't suspend your machine and see what was said while you were gone; ditto for interruptions to your Internet connection. This is something that a web-based approach like IRCCloud could solve, but I've never had much success with that particular implementation. An alternative would be to replace IRC with a different protocol/server. --AllanDay
There are two other existing solutions to this issue: bouncers and Apps/Smuxi. The bouncer approach is the most elegant as it remains compatible with standard IRC protocol and doesn't involve reinventing the wheel. --AlexandreFranke With regards to the comment from AllanDay, also see TapChat. It requires a node.js application on a server to work, so it's not really feasible for most users.
Why stop at IRC? We could make this a client for group chat and support other protocols such as XMPP, just as Empathy/Chat supports any protocol implemented in Telepathy. We could even use Telepathy. --AlexandreFranke
Smuxi exactly does that (even before telepathy existed) and provides a simple group chat for IRC, XMPP, Twitter, Campfire, SignalR JabbR already. --MircoBauer
Agreed, this should support all kind of name rooms (IRC, XMPP MUCS, etc) and use Telepathy. --GuillaumeDesmottes
It would be crucial how Empathy and this app coexist together, how they complement/overlap. How about Empathy becomes Chat designed just for 1:1 communication and this Group Chat designed for groupies? --OndrejPelech
It would be nice to see SASL support added also. --PaulMunro