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Filesystem Locations

Which locations to include in the user's home directory and in the Files sidebar?


Relevant Art

GNOME 3.30


Home view:

Google Drive


There's no bookmarks in the sidebar and My Drive is empty by default. If the user decides to link their Google Photos to their drive, a folder called "Google Photos" appears in "My Drive", containing all their photos.

Windows 10


The sidebar functions as a tree view - directories can be expanded/collapsed. The locations under "This PC" in the sidebar is what you see if you navigate to that location.

Other cloud drives can add themselves to the sidebar, alongside OneDrive. Dropbox works like this.

The folders in "This PC" can't be removed, although there are some tricks that allow you to hide them.




Some background discussion is in Nautilus GitLab ticket 577.

Possibilities for new XDG folders:

A possible way to handle XDG folders in the future: only show Downloads by default. Other XDG folders can be created by apps or services. For example, the Public folder would be created when File Sharing is enabled, and the Desktop directory would be created if icons on the desktop was enabled. This leaves some questions, though:

Another idea: allow apps to create their own folders inside the Home folder. These would be branded. This would codify something that already happens (Sound Recorder creates "Recordings" and Calibre creates "Calibre Library"), but could be done in a more secure and clearly labelled way.

A question: do we want to facilitate pooling of certain types of content? The obvious example is a 3rd party messaging app: images that are shared with you could be added to the photos collection, so they're available to photos apps. One possible mechanism could be ~/Pictures/AppName/.

Tentative Design


See Also

2024-10-23 11:04