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Layout Tab

Before (Ubuntu 9.04) and after (

Screenshot1.png Screenshot2.png




Horizontal alignment

The spacing of the buttons would benefit from modification. The edges of the buttons should be aligned with the sides of the list box. The 'Layout Options...' and 'Reset to Defaults' buttons could also be aligned with 'Move Up', 'Move Down' and 'Print.


This will have the effect of reducing visual complexity - making the dialog more attactive and easier to parse.

'New windows get layout "%s"'

The final check box - which reads 'New windows get layout "%s"' - does not follow the recommendations I put in the design review. I don't think this new implementation is a good idea:

Sergey - I know that you've adopted this approach because you have doubts about 'New windows inheret active layout'. We can work with the phrasing of that expression (see below), but it is essential that that check box layout communicates what will happen when it is both checked and unchecked. Since the dialog already describes what will happen in the 'default state', it is necessary that the check box label describes what happens when that default state is not in effect.

'New windows inheret active layout' - the verb could be changed from inheret to get, acquire, or use. 'active' could also be changed to 'current'. The sentence could also be rephrased. For example:

The second of these is my favourite - it's the most precise.

(AllanDay: 2009-10-21)

I have aligned first 2 rows of buttons. The bottom one should be aligned separately - because the checkboxes in the middle make it "independent layout unit". Please check in git. Regarding the checkbox name - I see your point. I just would like to hear more opinions from some other people...

(SergeyUdaltsov: 2009-11-01)

A quick review:

MatthewPaulThomas 2009-11-04

2024-10-23 11:03