Compensation Committee
The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing the compensation (salary and benefits) of the Executive Director, Finance Director (if employed) and other Key Staff (as set out in the tax code) by identifying compensation that is "reasonable and not excessive," but that also is attractive enough to retain the best possible talent to lead the organization. The process for determining the appropriate compensation is to conduct a review of what similarly-sized peer organizations, in the same geographic location, offer their senior leaders. The GNOME Foundation does this through an independent Compensation Committee.
In addition to this responsibility, the Compensation Committee shall also be responsible for appraising the ED's performance, and within the parameters set out above, making a recommendation to the board for the the ED's salary. The ED will be responsible for appraising the performance of any other Key Staff and proposing salary levels for the Compensation Committee to recommend to the board.
For more details about the process, see
- Obtain annual figures to benchmark the salary of the ED and other Key Staff against comparable roles in other similar organizations
- No less than annually, agree the Executive Director's high-level goals with them and their line manager
- Assess the ED's performance against these goals, in line with the Foundation's normal employee processes wherever possible
- Make recommendations to the board for the salary of the ED and other Key Staff
- Maintain detailed records of what data was used to arrive at these decisions and the people involved
Powers that the board is devolving to the committee:
- None. The committee is not able to set the salaries autonomously. It makes its own inquiries and makes recommendation to the board to consider.
- Board President - Currently, Nuritzi Sanchez
- Board Treasurer - Currently, Carlos Soriano
The Board's delegated ED Line Manager, if they are not the President, or a third independent person - Currently, Rob McQueen
This committee was created on November 27, 2018, by the Foundation board.