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Clytie Siddall

Việt ngữ

Email: <clytie AT SPAMFREE riverland DOT>

I'm a volunteer translator of open-source software. Since we translate for our communities, we tend to contribute to a variety of projects producing software for our users.

I enjoy translating for Gnome, because the internationalization community is supportive, the translation process well-organized, and the files in general are efficiently written and managed. Gnome has been available in Vietnamese for several releases now, and we hope it will continue to be available in our language.

I have joined Gnome Women because I want to encourage more women to participate in translation, in Gnome, and online in general. I am also hoping to find time to start a group specifically for open-source female translators, on the linuxchix network.

Please feel free to contact me, if you want to find out more about translating, and would like to contribute. If you, or anyone you know, would like to contribute, and finds the idea a bit intimidating or confusing, particularly understanding all the information in English which each project expects us to read and use, please email me, and I'll be happy to help anyone over any bumps in their journey.

Things may seem complex, puzzling, strange and uncomfortable, but we help each other out, and create welcoming and supportive communities.

I look forward to hearing from you. :)

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2024-10-23 11:02