This node stores interesting references for unit testing, continous integration, and other matters that can be useful for the BuildBrigade team.
About unit tests
buzztard wiki: an interesting article about developing unit tests of a Gtk/GObject program with check. There are some hints about the specific set up.
Agile testing blogrss: a blog about agile methodologies very python oriented. With interesting use cases for buildbot, and lots of links to good articles about testing and continuous integration.
A good definition of refactoring
(at least for the XP case): "A refactoring is a test-preserving transformation."
Unit tests kept small?: an interesting thought about difference among unit tests, acceptance tests, and so. And why unit tests should be kept fast-running.
About continuous integration
About buildbot
Updating buildbot status: how to update buildbot status dynamically
About Agile development
Agile development offshore: how to adapt XP to offshore development (when there are groups in different geographic places). Open source development has to faces some of these issues.