The Bugsquad Goals

Setting small concrete goals that we should all try to achieve could definitely help with our work in integration and consistency. The goals may vary a lot, don't need to be ambitious.

Contact information

For information or help requests about the GNOME Goals, you can use:

For beginners

  • Search for bugs about a crash without the correct value in severity field (critical). Also, set the keyword STACKTRACE if the bug has a decent Stacktrace with line numbers and symbols: here the query

  • Setting bugs to NEW where a developer has acted (and accepted the bug) but the bug is still UNCONFIRMED.

For more experienced bugsquaders

  • Search for NOT ENHANCEMENT bugs that haven't been touched within the last year and are still UNCONFIRMED. Set the bug to NEEDINFO and kindly ask the reporter with that stock response to reproduce with a more recent version. After 6 weeks, close the bug as OBSOLETE. here the query

  • Search for NEEDINFO bugs without response for some time (~ 6 weeks) and close them as INCOMPLETE (carefully, of course): here the query

Bugsquad/BugsquadGoals (last edited 2010-03-29 20:29:38 by TobiasMueller)