Here's a possible collaboration scenario in a networked environment.
There's 4 users, User1, User2, User3 and User4 each with their Topaz desktop on the network. The task is to create a 20 page corporate report.
- User1's task is to create the layout where text, images and other objects will be put.
- User2's task is to add the content to the document.
- User3's task is to add images, pictures and other media to the document.
- User4's task is to add spread sheets and graphs to the document.
User1 creates a new document and enables network access to his shelf. As User1 creates the layout for the document, User2, User3 and User4 connect to User1's shelf and a shelf icon appears on their device dock just like a network volume. Clicking the shelf icon on the device dock shows the contents of User1's shelf in a file manager. User2, User3 and User4 load the document onto their desks(Toapaz desktop) and start doing their part. The document on each user's desktop automatically updates in real time when changes are made by other users.
All users would be using different tools to work on the same document in different places at the same time.
We could also have a collection of text docs which is actually a development project. So different developers in different places could work on that collection at the same time, one coding one module, another compiling , another coding a different module, etc all with the same single collection.