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This software is not maintained anymore and archived. Links below might not work anymore.

1. About Wiican

Wiican assists on configuration and management of your wiimote under GNOME Desktop: it tracks bluetooth connectivity and allows create mappings to adapt your wiimote for use with any application. It also provide a DBus API, so third apps could make use of wiimote easily.

On backend it's wminput , the cwiid event driver for wiimote. Wiican uses wminput and wminput configuration files for define and use mappings.


2. Roadmap

Please refer to the Wiican Roadmap for detailed information.

3. Screenshots

Fast mapping launching menu

Mapping editor

Mapping manager

4. Documentation

The most up-to-date documentation for users and developers is hosted in the offical wiican doc homepage.

5. Mailing list

There's a brand-new lower-usage-by-now wiican mailing list, join the conversation and feel free to discuss about bugs or propose new features.

6. Download

Before installing Wiican, please check the INSTALL file.

Wiican it's available:

7. Filling bugs

As usual, through the GNOME bugzilla.

2024-10-23 10:59