1. Plugins
Videos supports plugins written in C (and any variation of it), Python, and Vala. To install new plugins, unpack your plugins in ~/.local/share/totem/plugins/
1.1. Plugins Wishlist
autodelete plugin (move movie to trash once watched)
1.2. Third party plugins
1.2.1. Remember last position
1.2.2. Volume Wheel
This plugin lets you to use the Mouse Wheel to control the Volume in Totem
1.2.3. Totem PPStream Plugin
This plugin adds a ppstream browser to Totem, which let you browse and play videos on kan.pps.tv.
1.2.4. Totem Sopcast Plugin
This plugin adds a sopcast browser to Totem, which let you browse and play sopcast channels.
1.2.5. Totem Arte provider Plugin
This plugin allows you to browse the freely available video streams from Arte.
1.2.6. Sleepy Totem Plugin
1.2.7. Totem Music Library Plugin
1.2.8. Lyrics Extension
1.2.9. Totem Web Interface
1.2.10. Totem Control from Emacs
1.2.11. Twotem
1.3. Totem Justin TV Plugin