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1. Straw

Straw is a feed reader aimed for users using the GNOME desktop. You subscribe to news, blogs, and podcast feeds and read the feeds in the comfort of your desktop, with or without online access.

The goal of Straw is to be an easy-to-use feed reader and one that is integrated with the rest of your desktop. It should support the capabilities provided by the desktop as well as not being hard to users when it comes to usability and in terms of providing functionality.

1.1. Feature highlights

1.2. News

1.3. Getting in Touch

1.4. Development Resources

1.5. Current documentation

1.6. Roadmap

Vision: /NewVision

The following are guidelines as to where we are going. Feel free to comment below or contact us in our mailing list or on #straw IRC channel at server.

1.6.1. 0.28

Because we want to release 0.28 soon, we should work to meet /ReleaseRequirements.

1.6.2. Bugs

You can use the following links to Bugzilla search queries to see various types of issues we're working on:


These types are used as keywords in "Status whiteboard" field in Bugzilla using the straw[''KEYWORD_NAME''] format.

1.6.3. Research and design

1.6.4. Someday/Maybe (Wishlist)

2024-10-23 10:59