Gnome Social Network is a project to investigate the connection of people, projects and products of the Gnome world. It will help to find out who is who and which is which.
1. Parameters (Input and Computed Values)
- Personal info:
First name (name)
Family name (name)
Birth date (date)
Personal email (email-addr)
Work email (email-addr)
Gnome email (email-addr)
Homepage (web-addr)
Blogs (list of web-addr)
Photos (list of web-addr)
SSH public key (ssh-pubkey) (list?)
SSH fingerprint (ssh-finger) (list?)
SSH trusted (list of Person)
GPG public key (gpg-key) (list?)
- GPG fingerprint (list?)
GPG trusted (list of Person)
First name (name)
Family name (name)
SSH account (unix-name)
SSH key (pub-key)
CVS account (unix-name)
Gnome email (email-addr)
Work email (email-addr)
- Advogato
Name (full-name)
Contributer of (list of Module)
Developer of (list of Module)
Cert master (list of Person)
Cert master by (list of Person)
Cert journeyer (list of Person)
Cert journeyer by (list of Person)
Cert apprentice (list of Person)
Cert apprentice by (list of Person)
- Bugzilla
Account (email-addr)
Reports (int)
Reports on last week (int)
Comments (int)
Closed (int)
Bugzilla point (int)
Watches (list of Person)
Watched by (list of Person)
Developer of (list of Module)
Interested in (list of Module)
Saved searches (int)
Permissions (int)
IRC nick (irc-name)
Alt nicks (list of irc-name)
Ops (list of irc-chan)
CVS account (unix-name)
Developer of (list of Module)
- Live
Live account (wiki-name)
Wiki pages (list of wiki-addr)
- Planet
Hackergotchi head (image)
Alt heads (list of image)
Blog (web-addr,feed-addr)
FOAF (list of Person)
Post rate (int per week)
- Foundation
Current member (bool)
Since (year)
Years (list of year)
Present (list of Module)
Organizer of (list of year)
FOSS (non-gnome, i.e. Mozilla, Ubuntu)
Developer of (list of Project)
Interested in (list of Project)
User of (list of Project)
- Personal info:
Module (i.e. GTK+, 10x10, Cairo)
- Module info:
Module name (unix-name)
Module description (para)
Start (year)
End (year)
- Advogato
Developers (list of Person)
Helpers (list of Person)
Contributers (list of Person)
Documenter (list of Person)
- Bugzilla
Admins (list of Person)
Developers (list of Person)
Reporters (list of Person)
Depricated (bool)
Components (list of unix-name)
Default owner of Components (list of unix-name,list of email-add)
Reports on last week (int)
Product (list of Product)
Contributers (list of Person)
Documenters (list of Person)
Translators (list of Person)
Maintainers (list of Person)
- Release
Released by (list of Person)
- Live
Page (wiki-addr)
Contributers (list of Person)
- Planet news
Icon (image)
News blog (web-addr, feed-addr)
Dependencies (list of Module)
- Module info:
Product (i.e. Desktop, LiveCD, Ubuntu)
- Product info:
Product name (unix-name)
Product description (para)
Homepage (web-addr)
- Release
Modules (list of Module)
Copyright holders (list of Person)
- Distro Watch
Modules (list of Module)
- Product info: