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1. Sabayon

Sabayon is a system administration tool to define and deploy desktop profiles for the GNOME desktop environment. It allows you to control such things as panel layouts, menu items, default gconf settings, as well as provide pre-defined defaults for some non-GNOME programs such as Firefox. It also makes use of the lockdown functionality of Pessulus. It does this by providing a "desktop within a window", allowing you to customize your desktop as you see fit, then recording your changes, to be applied to users by the sabayon-apply program at login time.

1.1. Who should use Sabayon?

Sabayon is geared towards anyone who has need of providing a standardized GNOME desktop to their end users. Teachers who administer labs, Libraries, and Businesses all have need to have a "locked down" desktop, and can make good use of Sabayon

1.2. Obtaining Sabayon

The current production version of Sabayon is 2.30.0, the Curiouser and curiouser release. You can find it here:

Development of Sabayon is done in Git. You can track the current master branch goings-on at:

1.3. Help and Support

Sabayon has a built in help guide, which can be accessed by the Help menu from the desktop editor screen. It's integrated into the GNOME help system.

A good way to obtain support from the Sabayon developers is to use the mailing list at:

If you're more comfortable with IRC, you can try Sabayon's IRC channel, #sabayon on

You can submit bugs to GNOME's bugtracker at

As well, if you'd like to see what bugs are currently open, and being worked on, the current bug list should give you what you need.

1.4. Contributing

Interested? Check out our "Bite Sized Bugs" page, and in no time, you can be helping out too!

1.5. Sabayon in the Media

1.6. Roadmap

Sabayon Roadmap

1.7. Documentation

2024-10-23 10:59