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Completion: 100%

Difficulty: easy

Owners: MatthiasClasen

Remaining tasks

The EggTrayIcon functionality is not portable, therefore it should be turned into a implementation detail of the X11 EggStatusIcon implementation when moving it to GTK+. Popup menus need to be supported. We can probably trust TorLillqvist to come up with a Win32 implementation once the API has landed in GTK+.

Are notification balloons feasible for a portalbe API like this? A number of Windows XP components display visually consistent popups, and people seem interested in this for Gnome -- JamesHenstridge 2005-08-22 07:02:54 MatthiasClasen: Yes, I believe we can do this cross-platform.

There is a number of useful patches in bugzilla, e.g. a patch to implement the popup-menu signal (gnomebug:156096) and another patch to fix the notification implementation in EggTrayIcon (gnomebug:314292).

GtkStatusIcon is now in cvs. The one remaining API issue is notification.

2024-10-23 10:59