
Completion: 80% done

Owner: EmmanueleBassi

Implementation attached to bug: gnomebug:314808

JonathanBlandford: Does it have to be a button? As an alternative, what about adding anchor support to gmarkup and GtkLabel? Where would you use this instead of a label?

  • EmmanueleBassi: we already use a button with no relief (just like GnomeHref does) inside GtkAboutDialog for the website property. for a label with anchor support, there's SexyUrlLabel inside libsexy (created by Christian Hammond), but the multiline case is hairy, as far as I remember.

API Details

The EggLinkButton is a simple GtkButton with a uri property set by the ctor and by accessor functions. The button's label is underlined and colored just like an hyperlink inside a browser.

If no label is provided for the button, the URI itself is used.

It supports drag and drop of the URI into other targets.

Pending Issues

Should we add a pop-up menu, containing a "copy link" item, in order to copy the URI into the clipboard?

Should we add some theme properties mapping the CSS2 meta-classes for the anchor entity, such "hover", "active", "link" and "visited"?

Attic/ProjectRidley/EggLinkButton (last edited 2013-11-23 01:05:07 by WilliamJonMcCann)