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An inexpensive UI lab

All you need is a running installation of GNOME and a web cam.

Get it!

To check out with git:

git clone git://


How to use

  1. Place a poor friend/family in front of the computer.
  2. Make sure they understand that it's a test of the software, not their computer skillz

  3. Run pongo in a terminal

  4. Ask the person do some stuff, like send a e-mail or something.
  5. When done, bring up the terminal again and stop Pongo with ctrl+c
  6. Thank the person who helped you do the test
  7. Publish it on the web somewhere and share it with your friendly GNOME hackers.

Rough list of possible future ideas

Misc (because I can't come up with a better name for this section)


2024-10-23 10:59