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Packaging Project

The GNOME Packaging Project is currently basically dormant and has been since the release of the first Ximian Desktops. Since Ximian no longer provides this service to GNOME, it is important for the GNOME Project to again produce packages, both to increase GNOME's QA coverage, and to help show off how cool GNOME is to those folks who like to live on the very cutting edge, but who don't quite want to build from CVS. Because any attempt to resurrect the GPP could be optimistically described as 'nascent', take anything else on this page with a grain of salt. If you want to help out, skip to Communication- we need every able-fingered hacker we can get.


While we don't currently have any packages available directly from GNOME (unless you want GNOME 1.4 for RH 7.0), there is ongoing work by LuisVilla4 to provide a MicroTinder at Unfortunately, that box (as of 3/28) has a busted mobo and is down for the count. But it'll be back in some form or another.

Other Package Sources

If you're looking for packages, and can't wait for the packaging project to resurrect itself from the dead (We're not dead yet!) the following projects are known to provide GNOME binaries for end-users:


packaging project discussions take place on packaging list. Anyone who is interested in helping out is welcome to drop the list a mail and discuss what skills you have, tasks you'd like to tackle, or favorite flavor of ice cream.


AKA 'what we really want to do', not to be confused with 'how we want to do it.'


These are concrete tasks that implement the goals above. Insert Management Mumbo-Jumbo(tm) Here.



2024-10-23 10:59