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Metadata on removable devices

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Metadata scanners want to store collected metadata about content on a removable device onto the removable device. This way, different scanners can rapidly access and share the metadata that is related to the device.


Turtle tools

Issues to solve

Reasoning behind some decisions


The filename is .cache/metadata/metadata.ttl stored relative to the removable device's location. For example, for meta data for the device /media/USBStick the location for the metadata will be /media/USBStick/.cache/metadata/metadata.ttl.


Any namespace written as @prefix and in resource predicate in front of a : is allowed. When a namespace only occurs in resource predicates, then it's unnecessary, but allowed, to make a @prefix for it.



The RDF type of the resource in your triple. The format of the value is defined the ontology you use


The modification timestamp in seconds since UNIX epoch of the triple (when the record got added to the TTL file)


Using @base is not allowed. When using libraptor you must do this with your serializer:

  raptor_serializer *serializer = raptor_new_serializer ("turtle");
  raptor_serializer_set_feature (serializer, 

Relative URIs

It's recommended to use relative URIs for all URIs in the file. An absolute URI might not be useful, especially not if the URI is relative to the removable device's mount point.

Format of the Turtle file

When all triples have been processed, this file forms an accurate representation of all collected metadata on the removable device.

The subject is always the URI without @base (it's a relative URI), the predicate is the property that you want to store and the object is the value of the property.

The @base is defined by the system that consumes the metadata. Therefore, we don't put the @base directive in the Turtle file.

You have different kinds of triples: additions, moves, removals and updates

Additions and updates

The required predicates for addition and updates are <resource:Modified> and <rdf:type>. Additions and updates share the same triple format.

Each update/addition-record can contain extra predicates. It's up to the consumer of the metadata to decide what it will do with this metadata content.

<Files/file1.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355200" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" .
<Files/file2.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355200" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" .
<Files/file3.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355200" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" .
<Files/file4.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355200" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" .

If, as a result of chronological processing of other triples, an addition triple already existed, the last triple will update the one with all predicates being mentioned.

<Files/file4.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200441600" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" .


The required predicates for moving a subject is <> (blank value as a resource). The required value for <> is <to-URI> written as a resource (a URI) without @base. This is only correct if to-URI points to a location on the same removable device as what this metadata cache is about. If this is not the case, then you must use a removal, which is explained lower.

<Files/file1.txt> <> <Files/file2.txt> .

For a move it is also allowed to append a removal (see below) followed by an addition triple. The addition triple must then contain all the predicates that are still valid about the subject that is being removed in the initial addition triple for (the new) to-URI (a URI without @base).

<Files/file1.txt> <> <> .

<Files/file2.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200268800" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" ;
                  <File:Name> "file2.txt" ;
                  <File:Etcetera> "etcetera ..." ;
                  <Unknown:OntologyX> "for me" ;
                  <Unknown:OntologyY> "for me too" .


Removing a subject

The required predicate for the removal of a subject is <> (blank value as a resource). The required value for <> is <> (blank value as a resource). You can read this construction as: move to nothing.

<Files/file1.txt> <> <> .

The removal action for a subject is only an advisory. A subject is also to be considered removed if your system's storage (the removable device itself) knows about it but the most recent Turtle file doesn't mention it at all.

Removing a predicate from a subject

To remove a predicate from a subject you simply assign its value to blank. Note that you must (unlike other object or values) use the notation as a <resource>, not a literal. Blank written as a <resource> goes like this: <>. Example:

This removes the title of an image:

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200268800" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <Image:Title> <> .

Clearing a group value

Same as removing a predicate from a subject.

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200268800" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <User:Keywords> <> .

Group value predicates must respect the order of events in the file. Examples:

Setting keywords from scratch

# The clear of the group value
<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200268801" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <User:Keywords> <> .

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200268802" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <User:Keywords> "set1" .

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200268803" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <User:Keywords> "set2" .

# Unrelated subject in the middle. This can be allowed because we
# have resource:Modified and rdf:type repeated each time

<Something.else> <resource:Modified> "1200268804" ;
                 <rdf:type> "Something" .

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200268805" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <User:Keywords> "set3" .

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200268806" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <User:Keywords> "set4" ;
                       <User:Keywords> "set5" .

Setting these keywords in one statement (equivalent of above):

<Something.else> <resource:Modified> "1200268804" ;
                 <rdf:type> "Something" .

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200268806" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <User:Keywords> <> ;
                       <User:Keywords> "set1" ;
                       <User:Keywords> "set2" ;
                       <User:Keywords> "set3" ;
                       <User:Keywords> "set4" ;
                       <User:Keywords> "set5" .

Extra assumptions on the turtle format

The turtle file generated following this specification has some extra assumptions. This means that the file will be a valid turtle file, but not every turtle file can be used in his place.

This is fine:

<Files/file1.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355200" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" ;
                  <User:Keywords> "tasks" ;
                  <User:Keywords> "boooring" ;
                  <User:UseTime> 100 .

This is not fine:

<Files/file1.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355200" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" ;
                  <User:Keywords> "tasks" ;
                  <User:UseTime> 100 ;
                  <User:Keywords> "boooring" .

This is fine:

<Files/file1.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355201" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" ;
                  <User:UseTime> 100 ;
                  <User:Keywords> "tasks" .

<Files/file1.txt> <User:Keywords> "boooring" .

<Files/file2.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355202" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" ;
                  <User:UseTime> 100 .

This is fine:

<Files/file1.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355201" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" ;
                  <User:UseTime> 100 ;
                  <User:Keywords> "tasks" .

<Files/file1.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355202" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" ;
                  <User:UseTime> 100 ;
                  <User:Keywords> "boooring" .

<Files/file2.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355203" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" ;
                  <User:UseTime> 100 .

This is not fine (note the file1.txt vs. file2.txt position and the last triple not repeating <resource:Modified> and <rdf:type>):

<Files/file1.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355201" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" ;
                  <User:Keywords> "tasks" .

<Files/file2.txt> <resource:Modified> "1200355202" ;
                  <rdf:type> "File" ;
                  <User:UseTime> 100 .

<Files/file1.txt> <User:Keywords> "boooring" .

Conflict resolution

If in your local database a record already exists, you use the <resource:Modified> predicate to determine whether your system will update its own store, or if it will append an update triple to the Turtle document instead.


Rewriting advisory

If more than 30% of all triples are removals plus duplicate additions, the advisory is to rewrite the entire Turtle file to a file that contains only unique additions using as <resource:Modified> predicate the value of <resource:Modified> in the last update/addition triple that was related to the subject.

Rewriting rules

The rewrite must be implemented atomically. On most operating systems and filesystems the only atomic operation is rename(). Therefore, you can, for example, prepare the new Turtle file in .cache/metadata/metadata.ttl.tmp and then rename() that to .cache/metadata/metadata.ttl.

When rewriting the file it's not allowed to remove predicates from the addition triples that are unknown to your system. Note that this is very important.

If a second update/addition triple added a predicate that was unseen in previous triples about the subject, then your merged addition triple must append it.

When rewriting don't include addition triples that have as a last triple in the original a remove one. Any remove triple means that previous predicates must be reset in case a later addition triple for the same subject occurs.

Day to day use advisory

Day to day use is recommended. This means that during the time you are not rewriting the Turtle file as described in previous section, you append remove, addition and update triples to the file as soon as possible.

You should try to make sure that the file is properly closed before the removable device is unmounted.

Corrupted file handling

When a user forcefully takes out a USBStick out of the USB socket while software was writing to the metadata.ttl file it can indeed happen that the kernel of the host computer decided to corrupt the file. It's not that we support this as a valid use-case, but nonetheless does this specification attempts to be as robust and pragmatic about this use-case as possible (the ideological people who want to punish users who forcefully remove removable media from the host computer by making this event frequently break software that wants to use this metadata file are being ignored on-purpose. By that I mean that this format disagrees by specification with these ideological people: they should not implement their software using this format, they should indeed invent their own format).


In case the file can't be parsed with a Turtle parser (like libraptor's Turtle parser), you can assume the file to have become corrupted. If this happened your software is allowed to move the file to a file called metadata.ttl.NNN where N are numbers. A software that tries to reconstruct such backup files ain't defined within this spec except that surely ... it's allowed to try to merge them back into a proper metadata.ttl. Remember to use the rules as defined in the Rewriting section of this document when writing such a piece of software.



Tinne takes photograph of mom with a cake

The resulting file: Just before the compress.ttl

Tinne makes photo

Tinne made a photo, stored it on a Flash disk, and plugged the device in a N810. The N810 will get this in the .ttl file if the original host of the Flash disk would have made one.

You'll see <Image:Date> being added here. It wont have the same format as <resource:Modified>. That's of course because you define the format for your predicate-value pairs yourself. But you don't define the format for <resource:Modified> (see above at the section Ontology).

File gets created: /media/USBStick/.cache/metadata/metadata.ttl

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200268800" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <Image:Title> "IMG000001 Jan. 14 2008" ;
                       <Image:Height> 1024 ;
                       <Image:Width> 1024 ;
                       <Image:Date> "2008-01-14T00:00:00" .

Changes Title

Tinne changed the Title of the photo on her N810. She also added a few keywords.

Data gets appended to: /media/USBStick/.cache/metadata/metadata.ttl

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200355200" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <Image:Title> "Mom with a cake" ;
                       <Image:Keywords> <> ;
                       <Image:Keywords> "mommy" ;
                       <Image:Keywords> "birthdays" .


Tinne took the Flash disk out of her N810, and inserted it into her laptop. On her laptop she resized the image to 1500x1500 and she put the photo in the Family album. The software for categorizing photos has both automatically set the Album properties and added a keyword for this.

Data gets appended to: /media/USBStick/.cache/metadata/metadata.ttl

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200441600" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <Image:Height> 1500 ;
                       <Image:Width> 1500 ;
                       <Image:Keywords> <> ;
                       <Image:Keywords> "mommy" ;
                       <Image:Keywords> "birthdays" ;
                       <Image:Keywords> "family" ;
                       <Image:Album> "Family" .


Tinne starts editing the photo and her photo software renamed the photo to Images/MomWithCake.JPEG.

Data gets appended to: /media/USBStick/.cache/metadata/metadata.ttl

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <> <> .

<Images/MomWithCake.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200528000" ;
                          <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                          <Image:Title> "Mom with a cake" ;
                          <Image:Date> "2008-01-14T00:00:00" ;
                          <Image:Height> 1500 ;
                          <Image:Width> 1500 ;
                          <Image:Keywords> <> ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "mommy" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "birthdays" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "family" ;
                          <Image:Album> "Family" .


Data gets appended to: /media/USBStick/.cache/metadata/metadata.ttl

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <> <Images/MomWithCake.JPEG> .

Adding keywords

Tinne reinserts the Flash disk into her N810, and on her N810 she decides to add the keyword "cute".

Data gets appended to: /media/USBStick/.cache/metadata/metadata.ttl

<Images/MomWithCake.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200614400" ;
                          <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> <> ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "mommy" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "birthdays" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "family" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "cute" .

Unsets the album

Tinne unsets the album of the image on her N810

Data gets appended to: /media/USBStick/.cache/metadata/metadata.ttl

<Images/MomWithCake.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "2008-01-18T00:00:00" ;
                          <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                          <Image:Album> <> .

Idle, software compresses the file

The N810 sits idle for some time, and decides to 'compress' the Turtle file

The resulting file: Just after the compress.ttl (multiple possibilities)

File gets truncated to: /media/USBStick/.cache/metadata/metadata.ttl

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <> <> .

<Images/MomWithCake.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200614400" ;
                          <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                          <Image:Title> "Mom with a cake" ;
                          <Image:Date> "2008-01-14T00:00:00" ;
                          <Image:Height> 1500 ;
                          <Image:Width> 1500 ;
                          <Image:Keywords> <> ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "mommy" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "birthdays" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "family" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "cute" .

Or gets truncated to:

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200528000" ;
                       <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                       <Image:Title> "Mom with a cake" ;
                       <Image:Date> "2008-01-14T00:00:00" ;
                       <Image:Height> 1500 ;
                       <Image:Width> 1500 ;
                       <Image:Keywords> <> ;
                       <Image:Keywords> "mommy" ;
                       <Image:Keywords> "birthdays" ;
                       <Image:Keywords> "family" ;
                       <Image:Album> "Family" .

<Images/IMG00001.JPEG> <> <Images/MomWithCake.JPEG> .

<Images/MomWithCake.JPEG> <resource:Modified> "1200614400" ;
                          <rdf:type> "Image" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> <> ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "mommy" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "birthdays" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "family" ;
                          <Image:Keywords> "cute" ;
                          <Image:Album> <> .

2024-10-23 10:59