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Mentored Projects

/!\ The information on this page is out of date. Please refer to GNOME Love for current advice or see the current list of project mentors.

There are many ways to get involved with GNOME, but maybe you would like to take on a more substantial project. Here are some tasks that need a few weeks of your time. The GNOME developers listed here would like to introduce you to GNOME and help you to complete these tasks, in the hope that you will make a meaningful contribution and remain involved in GNOME after you've finished.

Many of these project ideas are left over from GNOME's Google Summer Of Code.

Please contact your potentional mentor directly via email. Remember that you might be competing with other potential mentees, so try to convince the mentor that you will really give enough of your time, and try to show that you have done some investigation into the project. This chance is open to everyone, regardless of your student/employment status. What counts is enthusiasm and the ability to learn.

GNOME Developers should feel free to add their ideas here and link to further details.

Ideas With Willing Mentors

The names in brackets are the names of the mentors.

Other ideas

If you're willing to mentor one of these ideas, feel free to move it into the first part of this page and add your name as mentor.

2024-10-23 10:59