This guide describes how to use LSR at the GNOME login screen. All of the following commands should be run as root. The instructions were tested on a Fedora Core 5 system, but should work with minor variations on other distros. After completing these instructions, a user may press <ctrl>l at the GDM greeter login prompt to start LSR.

GDM Login Setup

First, run gdmsetup to enable accessibility modules from the accessibility tab. We recommend that you select the plain style greeter under the local tab as it is currently the most accessible. The graphical greeters that ship with GNOME do not have proper label relations on their text fields (e.g. username, password) at present.

Second, add the following line to the file /etc/gdm/modules/AccessKeyMouseEvents/.

# press ctrl-l for 1 second to launch LSR speech
<Control>l  1 1000 10000  /usr/local/bin/lsr --no-intro --no-a11y -p login
# press ctrl-l for 1 second to launch LSR with GNOME Magnifier
<Control>m  1 1000 10000  /usr/local/bin/lsr --no-intro --no-a11y -p mag

GNU System Setup for GDM

There is an audio permission problem on Fedora Core 5 for gdm. Creates a group audio and add the user gdm to it.

/usr/sbin/groupadd audio
/usr/sbin/usermod -G audio gdm

Permanently change the console sound devices to mode 0660 and group audio by editing the file /etc/security/console.perms.d/50-default.perms.

--- /tmp/50-default.perms       2007-05-15 11:57:02.000000000 -0500
+++ /etc/security/console.perms.d/50-default.perms      2007-05-15 11:57:25.000000000 -0500
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 # permission definitions
 <console>  0660 <floppy>     0660 root.floppy
-<console>  0600 <sound>      0600 root
+<console>  0600 <sound>      0660
 <console>  0600 <cdrom>      0660 root.disk
 <console>  0600 <pilot>      0660 root.uucp
 <console>  0600 <jaz>        0660 root.disk

Permanent AT Setup for GDM

To get an assistive technology such aslsrto run automatically for every login, then apply the following patch:

--- /etc/gdm/Init/Default.orig  2007-05-11 13:09:25.000000000 -0500
+++ /etc/gdm/Init/Default       2007-05-11 13:09:09.000000000 -0500
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@
+su gdm --shell=/bin/sh -c "export XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY; lsr --no-intro --no-a11y -p login &"
 exit 0

GNOME Session Setup

These steps do not cause the screen reader to continue running after login. See the instructions on configuring your GNOME session to make LSR run automatically for a particular user session.

Attic/LSR/AccessibleLogin (last edited 2013-11-21 22:56:09 by WilliamJonMcCann)