List of completion providers for GtkSourceCompletion


Devhelp API provider

This provider search into the devhelp API and show all the occurrences for the current word. We need help because currently devhelp is not split into an API search library and the GUI library. Devhelp developers must split the libraries.

File list provider

This provider show the files into a specific directory.

simple ctags words provider

This provider parse tags file and provide completion for the words of this tags and show the sign if this simbols into the info window (if it can). If you select a word, the word is inserted into the document (with or without the complete sign).

ctags goto provider

This provider show symbols from a tags file. When you select a symbol, this provider trigger a signal "open-document" indicating the file to open and the line where the symbol is. Then a gedit plugin can connect to it and open a new document or another anjuta, openldev plugin open the document in a different way.

Gedit open (and recent open) documents provider (DO IT!!)

This provider return a list of current open documents in gedit. When the user selects a document, this provider set the focus into the selected document

Attic/GtkSourceCompletion/Providers (last edited 2013-11-23 00:01:08 by WilliamJonMcCann)