List of wishes

This is not an official wishlist

Non fast-forward some branches

+ More centralized and visible branch-based development

- Official project should only have public branches

Delete some branches

+ More centralized and visible branch-based development

+ Remove the old cruft

Simply master/devel, instead of [PROJECT]-[MAJOR]-[MINOR] branches

+ Simplify branch scheme

+ You can branch again an old tag

- People still uses old branches to maintain old stable releases

- Would break some people that are relying on this scheme, and want to stick on specific releases branch


+ More conventional versions in git (some tools, like cgit/gitweb,.., use this pattern by default

- Would break some people that are relying on this scheme, and want to stick on specific releases branch

Personal repositories

+ More centralized and visible branch-based development

Gitorious instance

Attic/Git/GnomeRelated/Wishes (last edited 2022-05-03 03:55:50 by SébastienWilmet)