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1. Current situation

We should probably merge this page with RecentFilesAndBookmarks

We currently have a few default locations like Trash, Home, Desktop, Documents and Templates which show up in various places so the user can easily access these standard places. On top of that the user can add their own standard places by adding gtk-bookmarks.

Currently the 'Places' menu on the gnome-panel lists some of these standard locations and also lists gtk-bookmarks. However, Nautilus shows different locations in the Places menu and doesn't support gtk-bookmarks. These places are also hard to get for other applications and there is no library which lists places and is able to manipulate gtk-bookmarks.

2. Possible Solution

So what we need is a central place to keep track of gtk-bookmarks and common locations.

<seb128> the plan would be to:
<seb128> - get a gtk API to manage the bookmarks (get them, create one, ...)
<seb128> - update gnome-panel and nautilus to use it .. not sure on how to sync them
<seb128> ie: with a lib, or copying the same code

The last part probably requires some discussion. Do we make a library for it? Integrate it with another library?

FranciscoCamenforte: I think this would be nice to be integrated in next generation gnome-vfs or Freedesktop's DVFS. A single library for bookmarks looks quite unnecessary to me since it'd be a small feature, and more proper to be in the library that takes care of files/documents access.

FedericoMenaQuintero: take a look at the draft version of RecentFilesAndBookmarks. I think a revised version of the recent-files spec would solve most of the problems described here.

MichielSikkes: The GTK-bookmarks stuff will be a great solution if there's a nice and clean API for it. I've heard that the gtk hackers are working on it. However we also need to have some static locations like Trash and Desktop. Is there any way we can build in/hard code/specify static locations with gtk-bookmarks?

EmmanueleBassi: the code in libegg/bookmarkfile expose an API for creating bookmarks and storing them using XBEL; it is used by the libegg/recentchooser code in order to store the recently used resources (as bookmarks to actual resources). We could simply define a standard location for a storage file (e.g. $XDG_DATA_DIR/desktop-bookmarks/locations.xbel) and then use the BookmarkFile object to access them, much like we use GKeyFile to access the desktop entry files. System Administrators could define standard, system-wide, locations; applications could install their own default locations (e.g. Sound Juicer might add the "My Music" location), and users might add them - as "shortcuts".

YevgenMuntyan: please do not forget about private per-application bookmarks and please please consider bookmarks which are not 'uris'. E.g. lines inside of text files. And please do not forget about custom icons :)

2024-10-23 10:58