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1. Building and Installing Valencia

To build Valencia, you'll need to have the following programs and libraries installed:

On Ubuntu (and perhaps Debian), you can install the required build dependencies like this:

$ sudo apt-get install valac libvala-dev gedit-dev libgee-dev libvte-2.90-dev m4

(You may have to specify which version of valac and libvala-dev you wish to install. For Valencia 0.4, choose Vala 0.18.)

You can download the latest source release or check out the latest code (possibly unstable) using git:

$ git clone git://

Then run make and make install. (Do not run sudo make install. Valencia installs in your ~/.gnome2/gedit directory, and if you install as root the permissions will be wrong.)

To enable Valencia in gedit, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Plugins and check the Valencia checkbox.

NOTE for gedit 3.8 users: Valencia 0.4 does not work with gedit 3.7.5 and above. The fix introduces bugs into earlier versions of gedit (see #6852). gedit 3.8 support is currently maintained in git master and will be available in Valencia 0.5.

2024-10-23 10:59