1. Twitter-GLib Plans
The 0.9.x series of the API has its problems (see TwitterGlib/NewApiDesign). The issues are implicit in the API design and the choices made when writing Twitter-GLib as part of a GUI client (Tweet). Since Twitter is going to deprecate/change part of the API anyway, the 0.9.x series should be considered done: it won't be changed any more, and only bug fixes will be applied.
The 1.90.x series starts with a re-design of the API (again, see TwitterGlib/NewApiDesign), plus a test-driven approach.
1.1. Roadmap
State |
Markup |
todo |
<: #ff8080> todo |
in progress |
<: #ffc849> in progress |
done |
<: #80ff80> done |
Milestone |
State |
Description |
M1 |
todo |
API redesign |