1. Music
- List all files
- List all files and their properties
- List all albums
- List all album and artist combinations
- List everything from a single artist
- List all artists, album count, song count and total song duration
- Set last played to a item
- Set play count of a song
- List most listened songs
- List most recently listened to songs
- Related
1.1. List all files
SELECT ?url WHERE { ?song a nmm:MusicPiece ; nie:isStoredAs ?as . ?as nie:url ?url . }
1.2. List all files and their properties
This uses the OPTIONAL SPARQL keyword. This means that the data may or may not exist. Without this, results are not listed if it is just requested.
SELECT * WHERE { ?song a nmm:MusicPiece ; nie:title ?title ; nmm:performer [ nmm:artistName ?performer ] ; nmm:musicAlbum [ nie:title ?album ] . OPTIONAL { ?song nmm:genre ?genre } . OPTIONAL { ?song nmm:trackNumber ?track } . OPTIONAL { ?song nmm:composer [ nmm:artistName ?composer ] } }
1.3. List all albums
This query includes the number of songs and total duration of the music:
SELECT ?album ?title COUNT(?song) AS songs SUM(?length) AS totallength WHERE { ?album a nmm:MusicAlbum ; nie:title ?title . ?song nmm:musicAlbum ?album ; nmm:length ?length } GROUP BY ?album
1.4. List all album and artist combinations
SELECT ?album ?performer ?url WHERE { ?song nmm:musicAlbum ?album ; nmm:performer ?performer ; nie:isStoredAs ?as . ?as nie:url ?url . } GROUP BY ?album ?performer
1.5. List everything from a single artist
SELECT ?song ?title ?url WHERE { ?song nmm:performer [ nmm:artistName 'Artist Name' ] ; nie:title ?title ; nie:isStoredAs ?as . ?as nie:url ?url . }
1.6. List all artists, album count, song count and total song duration
SELECT ?performer COUNT(?album) AS albumcount SUM(?length) AS totallength WHERE { ?song nmm:performer ?performer ; nmm:length ?length ; nmm:musicAlbum ?album } GROUP BY ?performer
1.7. Set last played to a item
DELETE { ?unknown nie:contentAccessed ?time } WHERE { ?unknown nie:contentAccessed ?time ; nie:isStoredAs ?as . ?as nie:url 'file:///home/user/Music/song.mp3' . } INSERT { ?unknown nie:contentAccessed '2009-05-15T11:30:00' ; } WHERE { ?unknown nie:contentAccessed ?time ; nie:isStoredAs ?as . ?as nie:url 'file:///home/user/Music/song.mp3' . }
1.8. Set play count of a song
DELETE { ?unknown nie:usageCounter ?count } WHERE { ?unknown nie:usageCounter ?count ; nie:isStoredAs ?as . ?as nie:url 'file:///home/user/Music/song.mp3' . } INSERT { ?unknown nie:usageCounter 42 } WHERE { ?unknown nie:contentAccessed ?time ; nie:isStoredAs ?as . ?as nie:url 'file:///home/user/Music/song.mp3' . }
1.9. List most listened songs
SELECT ?song ?title ?count ?url WHERE { ?song nie:usageCounter ?count ; nie:title ?title ; nie:isStoredAs ?as . ?as nie:url ?url . } ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 10
1.10. List most recently listened to songs
SELECT ?song ?title ?time ?url WHERE { ?song nie:contentAccessed ?time ; nie:title ?title ; nie:isStoredAs ?as . ?as nie:url ?url . } ORDER BY DESC(?time) LIMIT 10