1. Building and Installing Tasque
Tasque packages are available in the standard software repositories in the latest versions of most distros like openSUSE, Ubuntu, and Fedora. This page has instructions for building Tasque yourself, from the source code.
1.1. Getting the Source Code
Tasque's source code is stored in Git. To get a working copy of the latest available source code, type:
git clone git://git.gnome.org/tasque
If you're a Tasque AUTHOR, use the following to checkout the code:
git clone ssh://[login]@git.gnome.org/git/tasque
Browse the code online using http://git.gnome.org/cgit/tasque.
1.2. Dependencies
To install build dependencies, run sudo zypper si -d tasque for openSUSE or sudo apt-get build-dep tasque for Debian/Ubuntu.
1.3. Compiling
Then, you'll run the following in the tasque/ directory (if you got Tasque from a tarball instead, use configure, not autogen.sh):
./autogen.sh --prefix=/home/user/stage/tasque #See ./configure --help for tips on enabling different backends make make install /home/user/stage/tasque/bin/tasque
1.4. Current Bug List
1.5. Submitting Patches
Before submitting patches, please read the following: