1. Rationale
Organizing feeds into tree-like structure using (possibly nested) categories helps with handling large feed collections.
2. User interface
2.1. Feed list
The following operations should be possible directly on feed list:
- adding new category
- removing existing category
- reordering categories (using drag and drop)
- assigning feed to categories (using drag and drop)
2.2. Categories tab in Preferences
I don't think it's a good idea to place category management in Preferences because UI for it is just too big and complex to fit nicely in Preferences dialog.
-- PawelPaprota 2007-08-29 20:50:14
2.3. Category Manager / Feed Organizer
Instead of placing category management in Preferences we could gather this functionality in a separate dialog. Moreover, there we could allow not only category editing but also advanced feed organizing - stuff like assigning multiple feeds to a category could be handled via Feed Organizer.
See how this is solved in GreatNews.
-- PawelPaprota 2007-08-29 20:51:05