Straw handles data coming from news feeds, gconf, dbus, environment variables, and the user. Data that persists over restarts is stored in the gconf subtree /apps/straw, the pickle file ~/.straw/config, and the BerkeleyDB database ~/.straw/itemstore.db.
1. OPML category subscription
Class: straw.feeds.OPMLCategorySubscription
Persistent fields:
- type
- location
- username
- password
- frequency
- last_poll
- error
Non-persistent attributes:
- contents
2. Feed categories
Class: straw.feeds.FeedCategory
Persistent fields:
- title
- subscription
- for each feed:
- id
- from_subscription
Non-persistent attributes:
- feedlist
2.1. Pseudo categories
Class: straw.feeds.PseudoCategory
Persistent fields:
- pseudo
- title
- for each feed:
- id
- from_subscription
3. News feeds
Class: straw.feeds.Feed
Persistent fields:
- title
- location
- username
- password
- id
- channel_description
- channel_title
- channel_link
- channel_copyright
- channel_creator
- error
- items_stored
- poll_freq
- last_poll
- n_items_unread
Non-persistent slots:
- parsed
- items
- slots
- channel_lbd
- channel_editor
- channel_webmaster
- process_status
- router
- sticky
- parent
- item_order_reverse
- item_stored_num
- items_loaded
4. News posts
Class: straw.SummaryItem.SummaryItem
Persistent fields:
- title
- link
- description
- guid
- guidislink
- pub_date
- source
- images
- seen
- id
- fm_license
- fm_changes
- creator
- contributors
- license_urls
- publication_{name,volume,number,section,starting_page}
- sticky
- enclosures
Of these, the following are searchable:
- title
- description
- fm_license
- fm_changes
- creator
- contributors
Non-persistent slots:
- feed
5. Database
Classes: straw.ItemStore.ItemStore, straw.ItemStore.MyDB
Schema "key": value:
- "fids:%d" % feed_id: feed item ids
- "%d:%d" % (feed_id, item_id): item
- "images": image urls
- "imagecount:%s % image_url: image count
- "image:%s" % image_url: image data
- "straw_db_version": db version
The BerkeleyDB can be viewed with the command
db4.2_dump -p ~/.straw/itemstore.db
6. Config options
Class: straw.Config.Config
In GConf:
- int: last poll
- int: items stored
- bool: item order
- string: browser command
- int and int: window size w and h
- int and int: main and sub pane position
- bool: offline mode
- bool: window maximization mode
- float: magnification
- int: poll frequency
$ gconftool-2 -R /apps/straw
In the pickle file:
- feed id sequence number
- feeds
- categories
>>> import cPickle >>> cPickle.load(".straw/config")
Whether ~/.straw exists already:
- first time
os.getenv('STRAW_RELOAD_CSS') is not None
- reload css
7. Proxy configuration
In environment variables:
as provided by urllib.getproxies()
If a proxy is not available in the environment variables, refer to gconf instead:
subtree /system/http_proxy