1. Ideas
These are middle to long-term ideas for Solang. One third of it may be feasible, the other third will require a few years of work. The other third are SF and pure-crack.
Please feel free to send me your patches of the things below or of your own ideas ! |
A better editor
Combine the enlarged and editor views into a single one, and have a toolbar palette similar to the GIMP.
Use GEGL for all operations, and have good RAW processing facilities in addition to other common operations. Last time we tried, GEGL was still slow for some simple affine transformations.
More semantic information
Allow associating photos with the user's contacts. It would be cool to have automatic faces recognition too
I think it requires some new ontology:
- nfo:Image solang:hasMarking solang:Marking
solang:Marking solang:associatedContact nco:PersonContact;
- solang:markTop xsd:integer; (position of the marking on the top (y))
- solang:markRight xsd:integer; (...)
- solang:markLeft xsd:integer; (...)
- solang:markBottom xsd:integer; (...)
- solang:confirmed. (if the user's confirmed the marking)
Telepathy, email integration
Send photos to IM contacts or email them attachments from Solang.
UI side : create a button in the main toolbar and items in the contextual menu.
Better support for webservices
Download/Upload from Flickr, Picasa, etc.. Integrating with Conduit might be a good idea.
On UI side, I think there must be a list of the webservices with, for each service, the albums they contains so you can easily drag n drop photos to an album. Besides we can have a banshee-like "new playlist" item, you know, when you drag music over the playlist list, a "New playlist" item appears.
Plugin framework
http://dronelabs.com/projects/ is a good candidate.
Florent's ideas for future releases
Some features i'd like to have for Solang 0.4.2 : One-key tagging : I don't know if it exists somewhere else ! The idea is to attach a tag with a photo in just one key press in Enlarged or Fullscreen mode. When creating or modifying a tag you can choose a key you associate with this tag. Then when you press this key, the photo is automatically tagged. The only problem is that we can't store it in Tracker. ¿maybe in a sqlite database? Picture Taken Date : Like in Solang 0.3, I think it was a great feature Double-click simple search : Right now you have to drag 'n drop a tag or a property in the search basket to filter the photos. This idea will let your filter your photos in one double-click : If you double click on a tag/property it is added to the search basket... BUT ! when you double-click on another tag/property, the old one is removed from the search basket. Rename the "file"->"export" menu to "file"->"archive" For other releases: Add support for geomarked photos : ¿ with libchamplain and geoclue ? Add support for faces recognition (yep I know i'm dreamin' ) or at least let user associate a contact with a part of a photo if it isn't done automatically. Add a Photo->Send to menu : to send your photos by mail or through IM (telepathy) Add a Photo->Publish menu : to publish your photos to webservices like Facebook, PicasaWeb.... well you know... all these cloudy things its hype to have support for. Add a clutter-based slideshow mode: because that's cool !