1. Snowy Meeting Minutes
Jan 23 2009
Attendance: Sandy Armstrong, Brad Taylor, Paul Cutler, Stormy Peters, Manuel Holzleitner, Stuart Langridge, Hylke Bons, Doug Johnston
Meeting purpose: Have Snowy more organized for a Tomboy Online launch in 2010
1.1. Security
- First priority is to make sure there is no data loss and user's notes are secure
- Need volunteers to help with unit tests as the core Snowy developers are not webservice maintainers
1.2. Roadmap
- Broken into phases
- Software that doesn't get used is software that doesn't get bugs reported
- Tomboy Online launch phases will serve as milestones for Snowy development
- Phases:
- Private alpha: Developers only to figure out the major bugs in Tomboy Online
- Invite-only beta: Still beta, with higher level confidence of the service not eating a user's notes
- Security tests must be in place to guarantee security for the alpha phase
1.3. Development Phases
Draft doc: http://armstrong-clan.net/dump/SnowyPhasedTODOList.html
- Development should be feature based, not time based
- Need to monitor bandwidth usage ongoing through all phases
- Stuart Langridge will help look into it
- Need to review whether Tomboy Online should auto-sync or not to save bandwidth (actually this feature is going to be added no matter what [probably in Tomboy 1.2], the question is really what time interval is reasonable)
- Design / UI
- Design mockups / UI in HTML and CSS prior to creating in Djano templates
- Main page, design for the note page and a design for a page that lists the user's notes are good starting tasks
- Use the mockups directory Snowy's git repo on git.gnome.org
- Review dvj's application for git access (manuel has GNOME git access)
- Private Alpha
- Pick one deployment method and make sure it works
- More complete unit tests of REST API
- How to test security and deployment?
- Depending on Sysadmin team, goal is to launch a private alpha in 3 weeks
1.4. Action Items / Next Steps
- Paul to follow up with Sysadmin team on requirements
- Paul to publish and announce the minutes and log
- Manuel to bring the design to life and checkin to git editable mockup files
- Brad to email the list with additional development taks and unit testing call for help