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From: Sebastian =?utf-8?q?Tr=C3=BCg?= <strueg at mandriva dot com>
To: Anders Feder <>
Subject: Re: Semantic GNOME Desktop
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 21:26:35 +0200
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On Friday 23 May 2008 19:57:21 you wrote:
> Hello Sebastian,
> Thanks for your reply. I've posted an excerpt of your mail on the wiki
> page.
> What are your thoughts on ontology alignment/matching? Is there a place
> for this in your architecture? For instance, an application querying for
> FOAF data should not be excluded from equivalent data stored in NCO, in
> my opinion; the architecture could handle the alignment process
> centrally and transparently, possibly via special plugins for the
> purpose, rather than requiring each and every backend to implement an
> alignment strategy of its own.

actually that is being worked on in the scope of the semantic clipboard. I=
will be able to give you more details next week.

> Is it possible for applications to 'subscribe' for updates to virtual
> folders (or queries, otherwise) in your architecture? I see signals for
> 'statementsAdded' and 'statementsRemoved', at least?

Not yet. The virtual folder service is work in progress and not part of=20
the "standard" RDF API which "only" provides basic functionality.

> I agree that stuff like contacts should ideally be stored only once;
> some redundancy, =EF=BB=BFon the other hand, is often useful in practice.=
> instance, you will want a copy of your contacts on your PC as well as on
> your PDA, so you can access your contacts even when away from the PC.


> Redundancy inevitably leads to syncronization issues; a challenging,
> but, I think, unavoidable subject on the semantic desktop. I don't know
> if there is any solutions particular suited for syncronization of
> semantic data? Perhaps one could be developed under NEPOMUK?

AFAIK there is no work done in that area so far. But it is an important top=
that is for sure.

This weekend I will be away. But next week I am back and maybe we could mee=
on irc and chat a bit about the possibilities?


> Best regards,
> Anders Feder
> Sebastian Tr=C3=BCg wrote:
> > On Thursday 22 May 2008 15:40:59 you wrote:
> > > I'm looking informally at possibilities for integrating the Semantic
> > > Web and the GNOME desktop. So far, I've outlined a few ideas at:
> > >
> > >
> > > I would like to ask you if you have any comments on these ideas and h=
> > > to proceed - and if you see any potential for collaboration with your
> > > projects?
> >
> > Hello Andres,
> >
> > thanks a lot for your email. I think it would be a great idea to
> > cooperate on the semantic desktop front. Areas I think we can share are:
> >
> > - The DBus interface for the semantic data storage. At the moment it is
> > based on Soprano [1] which comes with a full-featured RDF DBus API [2] -
> > The ontologies: here we already use Xesam [3] for everything
> > file-metadata specific and the Nepomuk ontologies [4] for other stuff.
> > This also means that we do not use OWL as it was considered way to heavy
> > for desktop use. Thus, please consider using NRL [5] in combination with
> > NAO [6] instead. - We are currently working on virtual folders which is
> > pretty much what you outline, too: a "view" on a sparql query (or a more
> > generic desktop query in my case). Here it would be nice to share the
> > interface, so that KDE and Gnome apps could use the same folders.
> >
> > As for your backends: this is what we do, too. For example:
> > - Strigi analyses local files and stores the data (for desktop search)
> > - An Akonadi agent collects information about contacts and emails and
> > stores it (actually my vision would be to store stuff like contacts only
> > once, in the rdf store)
> >
> > Additionally applications can insert new information. There is not much
> > there yet except for tags and ratings and source URLs for downloaded
> > files.
> >
> > Ok, this just to get the communication started. :)
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Sebastian
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> >
> >_server_dbus.html [3]
> > [4]
> > [5] (important part is
> > that about the named graphs, views are not implemented anywhere yet)
> > [6]

2024-10-23 10:59