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1. Search Party

Search Party is an extension for Firefox/Epiphany that notices searches you make at Google/Other search sites and offers to throw you in a chat with other Search Party users searching for similar things. There is a server component that handles the chat server aspect and the comparison of searches. Seth has an informative page with mockups at . Status and screenshots of my work can be found below.

A blog is up at Code is in CVS as search-party ( Be aware, it is under heavy development but it is getting very close to being useful. :-)

Please feel free to edit the comments/questions section below. Also you can email me at sanfordarmstrong AT gmail DOT com.

Initial funding provided by Google's 2005 Summer of Code program.

NOTE: The extension is broken in Deer Park Alpha 2, but it works fine in Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 (and 1.0.x).

2. Download

Since we're getting closer and closer to this extension being useable by the masses, I thought a download link might be prudent. This link will install whatever is the latest version in CVS (make sure is in your allowed sites):

For epiphany, use the cvs, module search-party: Or download the latest tarball: ??

3. Status/TODO

Note: There may be some time before the next big update, but it will be a doozie. The Firefox extension is about to be heavily refactored, and for Gnome 2.12 users there is the Eiphany extension!

I keep completed tasks up when I think they still need to be in my face for whatever reason.



Might not do these, if I only allow one concurrent chat, as Seth suggests:

Nifty ideas:

4. Comments/Questions/Ideas

'A sidebar might be a better UI for it.'

'This looks like IRC for searching, any plans to go beyond this?'

5. Suggestions

Implement a search sidebar which uses the Google API, with a portion that displays the results, and another portion for chatting.

Extend the implementation so that people can be referred to a room that's related to the websites they are looking at, rather than only being based on searches.

6. Screenshot

Firefox extension:

Python/Epiphany extension:

7. Thanks

2024-10-23 10:59