1. Technology Integration
We can more deeply integrate new technology that has appeared since the beginning of the 2.x series.
Kickarse graphics library (like Apple's CoreImage)
- Consistent use of GStreamer framework for audio sanity
New panel and applets design (again, see AppletsRevisited)
- Tight tie-in with frameworks like Evolution-Data-Server and Galago throughout
Lamps!! (ok, maybe not)
- Introduce Metadata throughout the desktop
- Follow the LonghornFS path and back everything with postgres so that we get better metadata, queryability, etc.
Could use gls^3
- Make interaction between users/computers over the network seamless
- may be a good idea to have a common protocol
XMPP could be used as a transport: http://www.ldodds.com/blog/archives/000137.html
- show documents shared by friends/groups along side your documents
- should stuff with creative commons licenses automatically be verified, then shared?
- may be a good idea to have a common protocol
Use something like NX to separate the physical location of a machine from where a user works.
- I want to be able to log on to any computer as "me@mydomain" and get my desktop.
- raises some security related concerns
- NX probably would use less bandwidth than vnc