1. Graphics
CalebMoore: The librsvg team has jumped the gun and branched for 3.0 already. By the next major version we will have a cairo based backend (our current libart backend may soon be deprecated, but maintained for backwards compatibility until it becomes feasible to drop it). Also, with the growing importance of vector graphics in gnome, we hope to support at least 90% of the static conformance tests, and furthermore 100% staic conformance to all tests not involving text. We plan to enhance our text subsection which has been rather neglected in the library's history. Hopefully this will allow the SVG format to be fully utilised in areas that are not it's traditional use in icons or game graphics. We also intend to extend our interface to allow DOM interactions to be done by both internal scripts and external applications. This would allow extremely rapid development of small, graphically intensive applications such as games, especially in combination with an existing system that allows rapid application development, such as mono. It is our goal to see the SVG format become ubiquitous within gnome.
JosephMaillardet: Does it possible that GTK+ make use of new X server with GL acceleration ? So eyes candies effect can take place inside the application and not only on window. For example It's become possible to get smooth animation effect on panels, menu bars, buttons, ... to simplify IHM inside Gnome applications.