1. the drop box
1.1. What is the problem you are trying to solve?
I just tried want happend if I drop a bookmark from FireFox on Tomboy. I thought something might happen. But it did not. Than I thought about that you often might have that with different applications that you want a kind of action that you usually get by double click - a "default action" that is related to a mime type or file ending.
1.2. Describe your Idea/Solution
My idea is why I would call a "DropBox": A place like from Gdesklets where you can drop everything on that you find and a system is looking up what you dropped. If it is an URL it might suggest to add this to Firefox, it even might suggest to add this to multiple browsers or just to add this on a notice named "Temporary Bookarks" in TomBoy - or you might even choose to save this under a file name or send this via Email. So this is somehow similar to how Beagle acts if you type something in. I think we have many parts already where we could build such thing. I would suggest that this thing is in one corner of the desktop and gets bigger if you hover it. So somehow similar to MacOsX growing icons (but i think it is generally bad to grow everything). This dropbox even might be a trash a copy to the clipboard or a move with Conduit.
This dropbox could have areas inside a circle that make "sub-tasks" with nice icons like:
- Copy (cp, Email, del.icio.us,...)
- Save (Clipboard, File,....)
- Move (Conduit, mv)
- Wipe (Trash,...)
Perhaps the dropbox could also work as a clipboard manager, to make full use of the applet icon. Clicking the applet could pop down a combined list of recently dropped and clipboard-copied items, with Nautilus-style previews (thumbnails for image data, excerpt for text data etc.). Ctrl-V would paste the top item, but you might also drag-and-drop an item from the list into an application (e.g. a word processor document or an e-mail).
please change this page if you have a better idea how to do this.
1.3. Related Wiki Pages
1.4. External References
see also GnomeIdeas