1. Desktop Configuration
We have attempted to maintain forward and backward configuration compatibility through the 2.x series.
PatrickBakker: Totally destroy the concept of magic file location installs! Install through an abstraction!
Instead everything should be done through a ThreePointZero/CentralRegistrar (ie. I said registrar not registry!).
2. Multi Mode Desktop
Additionally as this fits to the title of the idea I like to suggest the following:
- If somebody logs in the first time he can enter some data
- Name, Address
- Birthday/Year/Age (desktop should work and look differently for 6 year old or 90 year old.
- Disablities (so that software can display things differently or the desktop gets set up for special disabilties)
- Poeple may like to be messaged differently - like a friend or more honorific- also dependend on their status and how they like to interact with their computer. Like maybe a child likes when the computer makes audible friendly suggestions and be able to answer simple YES/NO answers.
- ....
This all would not require anybody to set fonts and colors and software to fit his or her needs. GNOME should know how to change some stuff like activate some help or for children. Also software like audio players could present different defaults as children propably like different music than their grand parents.
The essence of all that is: The desktop should know more about his user - maybe including. The desktop should grow with the user - so if a child grows up it should get suggestions to switch modes of interaction. This could also influence how the browser hides or shows some pages. -- ThiloPfennig 2007-12-11 14:00:48