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The email and other messages stock for the Online Desktop Sidebar


The stock should sit at the top above the File and Application stock by defaut

Initial State (0 email accounts)

If there are no email accounts registered we should have a message saying "No Email Accounts Found\n[Edit Accounts] - [Remove Messages Stock]"

The [Edit Accounts] button takes you to the edit account dialog and the [Remove Messages Stock] should open the Big Board preference dialog with the Messages Stock selected

Normal State (1+ email accounts)

In the normal state of the stock it would show the email address of the account (ellipsis as much could fix) with the number of unread Inbox messages shown (align count to the right). See the mockup below:



The message stock pop out shows the full email address associated with the account (linked to the mail main page). It also shows the inbox with the count of unread messages and lists all the labels for this account (assuming GMail) and the number of unread messages in each. Each label should be linked to take your browser directly to the label listing.

2024-10-23 10:59