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Currently, there are four programs that can be started as part of the Online Desktop. You will need to be restarting some of them as you make changes to the code. Be sure to kill previous desktop-data-engine and web-login-driver processes before you start new ones, as they currently don't get replaced correctly.

1) desktop-data-engine - Talks to the server and gets the data using the desktop data model. Gets installed on the system as part of make install in the ~/od/checkout/online-desktop directory.

See ~/od/install/libexec/desktop-data-engine --help for all the options. Typical command:

Use --debug option if you are connecting to your local instance of the server, and not

~/od/install/libexec/desktop-data-engine --verbose --verbose-xmpp --replace

2) web-login-driver - Starts the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts DBus service. Doesn't take any arguments. The script is located under ~/od/checkout/online-desktop/weblogindriver and needs to be installed on the system with make install as you make changes.

3) bigboard-uninst - Starts the Bigboard sidebar. The script is in the ~/od/checkout/bigboard/scripts directory.

See desktop-data-engine --help for all the options. Typical command:

jhbuild run ./scripts/bigboard-uninst --no-autolaunch --replace --debug-modules=bigboard.stocks.TwitterStock,bigboard.Stdout

4) mugshot - Starts the Mugshot Stacker program. Located in the ~/od/checkout/mugshot-client/linux directory.

See ./mugshot --help for all the options. Typical command:

Use --debug option if you are connecting to your local instance of the server, and not

./mugshot --verbose --verbose-xmpp --replace

2024-10-23 10:59