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Hildon Release Planning

/!\ Attention: The content of this page is not official yet. For now, we're just defining some general guidelines and braintorming/drafting our release schedule.

General Guidelines

LucasRocha: I think we could start with some general guidelines.

Development cycles and Versioning

LucasRocha: let's use the same aproach than GNOME. For an overview of GNOME's development cycles and versioning aproach, read Havoc's original proposal sent to desktop-devel-list in 2002.


LucasRocha: Follow the very same steps than GNOME. For a step-by-step guide, see MaintainersCorner/Releasing.

Tags and Branches

LucasRocha: Follow the same guidelines than GNOME. For more info, read:

Hildon 2.x Schedule

LucasRocha: Here's an initial idea:

2024-10-23 10:59