1. Named Colous in GTK+
Colours are convenient way to designate special parts of the user interface and provide semantic information. This is a proposal for a default set of named colours so application developers can use theme-defined colours instead of using hardcoded colour values.
1.1. State colous
Designate application/element states (e.g. search field active => state-attention )
- state-all-correct
- state-normal
- state-error
- state-warning
- state-attention
- state-inconsistent
1.2. Priorities
- priority-low
- priority-normal
- priority-high
- priority-critical
- priority-done
1.3. Hightlights
To be used in lists?
- highlight-primary-foreground
- hightlight-secondary-foreground
- highlight-tertiary-foreground
- ...
- hightlight-primary-background
- hightlight-secondary-background
- hightlight-tertiary-background
- ...
1.4. Theme default colours
These may be used to draw charts and the like.
- color-first
- color-second
- color-third
- ...
1.5. Security
- security-valid
- security-revoked
- security-broken
- security-unsecure
1.6. User defined
Let the user color some elements? Nautilus folders and the like?
- user-first
- user-second
- user-third
- ...