1. GNOME Developer Kit
1.1. Mission
To provide an easy to use platform for testing, developing, documenting, and translating GNOME.
1.2. Overview
The GNOME Developer Kit contains daily builds of GNOME trunk from Git.
It's a full Linux distribution, derived from Foresight Linux.
- It's available as VMWare image, raw hard-disk image and installable DVD image.
All packages are refreshed daily and new images created for each GNOME unstable release during the day following this release (we follow GNOME's roadmap).
1.3. System Requirements
- i686 CPU (i586 and earlier are not supported)
- at least 256MB RAM (512 MB desirable); 1GB or more preferred to run in virtual machines
- 5 GB disk space
1.4. Download and Install
Download (rpath.org). See below if you are not sure which file to download.
- A convenient way to run the Developer Kit is to use various virtual machines.
For VirtualBox or VMWare Player (it's free, you need to register though), you need the "x86 VMware (R) Virtual Appliance: VMware (R) Image" option.
For KVM, QEMU (both packaged for most recent distributions), Parallels or Xen, you need the "x86 Parallels, QEMU (Raw Hard Disk): Raw Hard Disk Image" option.
Be sure to check the sha1sum after you have downloaded it.
- The virtual images are compressed. Extract and then use it.
- Or you can burn the ISO image to a DVD and install it to your hard drive.
1.5. Updating your GNOME Developer Kit
After running the GNOME Developer Kit, you can keep it updated to the latest GNOME Git without having to download the image again:
From a terminal type:
sudo conary updateall
Or, right click on the PackageKit icon in the notification tray and click "Install Updates".
1.6. Using the GNOME Developer Kit
- The username for virtual images is 'live', password is empty.
- In gdm, you can click on the 'live' user and directly login.
Building packages, applying patches and diving into Gnome Development
1.7. Join the community
gnome-developer-kit-list@gnome.org: For any discussion around GNOME Developer Kit. You can subscribe at the web interface here.
- IRC: #foresight on irc.freenode.net
File a bug against Gnome Developer Kit.
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Make a new package for Gnome Developer Kit!