1. 10th August 2008
Meeting notes for our meeting in #gnome-art on 10th of August 2008.
1.1. Agenda
- News/Latest developments
- Date and time of the next meeting
- End of the wallpaper contest
- Hackfest
1.2. Minutes
1.2.1. Attending
- Pascal Klein
- Werner Pantke
- Andreas Nilsson
- Benjamin Berg
- Alberto Ruiz
- Jakub Szypulka
- Jakub Steiner
- Hylke Bons (joined in later)
1.2.2. News/Latest developments
- Benjamin worked with the Mozilla people to get properly rounded entries.
- Andreas has started to file cosmetic UI bugs
1.3. Date and Time of the next meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Friday 5th of September at 20:00 UTC. It is scheduled a bit later to avoid dinner time in Europe, and we also avoided the weekend.
Benjamin will send out a reminder two days in advance of the meeting.
1.4. End of the wallpaper contest
- Andreas Nilsson is going to send out an e-mail thanking everyone that took part in the wallpaper contest.
- Andrea Cimitan should have the contact details of everyone who participated. So Andreas will need to ask him for this information.
1.5. Hackfest
There was a long discussion (feel free to read the meeting logs). To have a hackfest we need to write a proposal. As it was getting late it was decided to follow up on this in the next couple of days.