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Meeting notes for our meeting in #gnome-art on 29th or March 2008. Raw meeting logs


We need to drop the dependency on icon-naming-utils

Jakub and Rodney to look into.

GTK+ stock item names vs. icon-spec names (related to previous point)

Vincent to talk to GTK+ developers.

Icon theme inheritage

Rodney to investigate the status.

How to deal with HighRes

Lapo and Jimmac will look into

One canvas per icon

Jakub and Rodney to look into. Lapo volunteered to convert the current gnome-icon-theme icons.

New emblems

Kalle to update the emblems. Andreas to check with UI person what we need emblems for.

Color Schemes

Benjamin and Giuseppe to look into the UI details. Hylke will create some color schemes.

Dark widget theme

Hylke and Jakub to look into.

Flat widget theme

Lapo and Benjamin looking into using the Sugar engine/theme.

Compact theme


Andrea to look into it. Benjamin to look into UI solution for it.

Monochrome icons in the status bar

Andreas and Garrett will look into it.

Hard to keep track of graphics request from developers

Mizmo and Andreas will look into wiki page on Andreas to check if we can get UI people into the discussion.

Ran out of time

2024-10-23 10:58