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GCompris incorporates children's melodies from around the world. Below is a list of melodies already included in the activity. My goal is to package the activity with at least 25 melodies, and I need your help to find these melodies! If you know a melody to contribute, simply add the necessary information to this page. Fill out as much as you can. Providing a link to the sheet music is very helpful. This website contains lots of sheet music of children's songs. Contact Beth Hadley at for more information. Thanks!

{*} indicates that this melody has been added to GCompris {o} indicates that this melody has not yet been added (perhaps not enough information is provided?)

Country of Origin

Name of Melody


Lyrics (in native language)

Lyrics (translation to English or other languages if possible)

sheet music, URL, Tiny Notation, etc.

Contributed By

United States


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

English Lullaby

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are; Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are.


sheet music



Yankee Doodle

Patriotic, America

Yankee Doodle went to town, Riding on a pony; He stuck a feather in his hat, And called it macaroni


sheet music



Simple Gifts

Shaker Tune, America

Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free, 'tis the gift to come down where we ought to be


sheet music



Old Macdonald Had a Farm

Nursery rhyme, America

Old Macdonald had a farm, EE-I-EE-I-O, And on that farm he had a [animal name], EE-I-EE-I-O


sheet music




A Balancing Elephant


Un elefante se columpiaba sobre la tela de una araña. Como veia que resistía fue a llamar a otro elefante

An elephant was swinging on a spiderweb; he saw that it held just fine, so he went to invite another elephant.

sent in email



A la rueda de San Miguel


A la rueda, a la rueda de San Miguel / Todos traen su caja de miel. / A lo maduro, a lo maduro / Que se voltee (nombre del niño) de burro.

(Round around St. Miguel's round, everybody carries their honey box)

sent in email



Arroz con leche

Children's song

Arroz con leche / me quiero casar / con una mexicana / de la capital.

Rice pudding / I want to marry / a Mexican girl / from the capital.

G8 | c4 e c c8 G8 | c4 c8 e d4. G8 | d8 d d e f4 d8 c | B4 A8 B c2



Los pollitos dicen

Children's song

Los pollitos dicen / pío pío pío / cuando tienen hambre / cuando tienen frío

Chicks say / tweet tweet tweet / when they are hungry / when they are cold

c8 d e f g4 g | a8 b c' a g4 g | f8 g a f e4 g | d8 f e d c4 c



Dale dale dale

Song to break a piñata

Dale dale dale / no pierdas el tino / porque si lo pierdes / pierdes el camino

Hit it, hit it, hit it / don't lose your aim / because if you lose it / you lose your way

g8 g g e a4 a | b8 b b g c'4 c | g8 g g e a4 a | b8 b b g c'4 c


{o} Not yet added..possibly soon

Doña Blanca

Play song

Doña Blanca está cubierta / de pilares de oro y plata / romperemos un pilar / para ver a Doña Blanca

Ms. White is covered / by pillars of gold and silver / we'll break a pillar / to see Ms. White

e8 f | g4 c' e8 f | g4 c' e8 f | g4 c' b8 c' | d'4 a r4 | f'8 e' d' c' b a | g4 g8 g a8 g | a8 b d'4 c




Que llueva, que llueva

Spanish Kid's Song

Que llueva, que llueva. La Virgen de la Cueva. Los pajaritos cantan, Las nubes se levantan. ¡Que sí, que no, que caiga un chaparrón! Que siga lloviendo, Los pájaros corriendo. Florezca la pradera. Al sol de la primavera. ¡Que sí, que no, que llueva a chaparrón, que no me moje yo!

Let it rain, let it rain, The Virgin of the Cave, The little birds are singing, The clouds are rising. Oh yes, oh no, Let a downpour fall! Let it go on raining, The birds go on running, Let the meadow blossom. Under the spring sun. Oh yes, oh no, Let it rain cats and dogs, Let me not get wet!

sheet music



El patio de mi casa

Spanish Kid's Song

El patio de mi casa Es particular: Cuando llueve se moja Como los demás. Agáchate Y vuélvete a agachar Que los agachaditos Saben bien jugar. Hache, i, jota, ka Ele, elle, eme, a, Que si tú no me quieres Otra niña me querrá. Chocolate amarillo Corre, corre, que te pillo Estirad, estirad que el demoño ha de pasar.

The courtyard of my house Is special: When it rains, it gets wet As the others do. Duck down, And duck down again The little ducked-down ones Know well how to play. H, I, J, K, L, LL, M, A, If you don't love me Another girl will. Yellow chocolate, Run, run or I'll catch you, Stretch, stretch For the devil must pass by.

Sheet music



Tengo una muñeca

Spanish Kid's Song

Tengo una muñeca vestida de azul Con su camisita y su canesú La saqué a paseo, se me constipó La tengo en la cama con mucho dolor Y esta mañanita me dijo el doctor Que le dé el jarabe con un tenedor Dos y dos son cuatro Cuatro y dos son seis Seis y dos son ocho Y ocho diez y seis Y ocho veinte y cuatro Y ocho treinta y dos Ánimas benditas me arrodillo yo.

I have a doll dressed in blue With her little shirt and her lace shawl I took her for a stroll, she caught a cold I have her in bed with much pain This very morning, the doctor told me To give her some syrup with a fork Two and two are four Four and two are six Six and two are eight And eight are sixteen And eight are twenty four And eight are thirty two Blessed souls, I kneel down.

Sheet music





Italian Melody

Piove, piove. La gatta non si muove. La fiamma traballa. La mucca è nella stalla. La mucca ha il vitello. La pecora ha l’agnello. [La chioccia ha il pulcino.] Ognuno ha il suo bambino. Ognuno ha la sua mamma. E tutti fanno nanna!

It rains, it rains. The (she-) cat doesn't move. The flame flickers. The cow is in the stable. The cow has the calf. The sheep has the lamb. [The hen has the chick.] Everyone has its baby. Everyone has its mommy. And everybody is sleeping!




{o} removed because I got complaints about the music not in the same children's song style as all other songs

Macht hoch die Tür

German Christmas Song

Macht hoch die Tür, die Tor macht weit; es kommt der Herr der Herrlichkeit, ein König aller Königreich, ein Heiland aller Welt zugleich, der Heil und Leben mit sich bringt; derhalben jauchzt, mit Freuden singt: Gelobet sei mein Gott, mein Schöpfer reich von Rat.

Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates; behold the King of glory waits! The King of kings is drawing near; the Saviour of the world is here. (It's the offical first verse by Catherine Winkworth (1855)) A correct translation would be: Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates; behold the King of glory waits! A King of kings, a Saviour of all world, who brings salvation and life, rejoice and sing with joy: Glory be to god, my creator full of widsom.

sheet music (page 18)

Peter Albrecht


Backe, backe Kuchen

German Kid's Song

Backe, backe, Kuchen / Der Bäcker hat gerufen! / Wer will guten Kuchen backen / Der muß haben sieben Sachen:/ Eier und Schmalz / Butter und Salz / Milch und Mehl/Safran macht den Kuchen gehl!/ Schieb, schieb in´n Ofen ´nein.

Bake, bake a cake / The baker has called! / He who wants to bake good cakes / Must have seven things: / Eggs and lard,/ Butter and salt,/ Milk and flour,/ Saffron makes the cake yel(low)! / Shove it into the oven.




Fuchs du hast die Gans gestohlen


Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen, gib sie wieder her, gib sie wieder her! Sonst wird dich der Jäger holen, mit dem Schießgewehr! Sonst wird dich der Jäger holen, mit dem Schießgewehr!

Fox, you have stolen the goose, give it back, give it back! Otherwise the hunter will get you with the rifle, with the rifle!




Alle Meine Entchen

Ernst Anschütz

Alle meine Entchen / schwimmen auf dem See, / schwimmen auf dem See, / Köpfchen in das Wasser, / Schwänzchen in die Höh'.

All my ducks / are swimming on the lake, / swimming on the lake, / Head in the water, / Tail up high

sheet music.




Se essa rua fosse minha

Children's Song from Brazilian Folklore

Se essa rua / Se essa rua fosse minha / Eu mandava / Eu mandava ladrilhar / Com pedrinhas / Com pedrinhas de brilhante / Só pra ver / Só pra ver meu bem passar / / Nessa rua / Nessa rua tem um bosque / Que se chama / Que se chama solidão / Dentro dele / Dentro dele mora um anjo / Que roubou / Que roubou meu coração / / Se eu roubei / Se eu roubei teu coração / Tu roubaste / Tu roubaste o meu também / Se eu roubei / Se eu roubei teu coração / Foi porque / Só porque te quero bem

Were mine this road / I ’d have it incrusted / With gems of diamond / So my love could pass / / In this road there’s a bush / Whose name is solitude / Wherein dwells an angel / Who has stolen my heart / / As I have stolen your heart / So you have stolen mine / If I have stolen your heart / It was because I love you

sheet music



O Cravo e a Rosa

Children's Song from Brazilian Folklore

O Cravo brigou com a Rosa / Debaixo de uma sacada / O Cravo ficou ferido / E a Rosa despedaçada / O Cravo ficou doente / A Rosa foi visitar / O Cravo teve um desmaio / A Rosa pôs-se a chorar

The Carnation had an argument with the Rose / Under a balcony / The Carnation got injured / And the Rose shattered / The Carnation got sick / The Rose went visiting him / The Carnation fainted / And the Rose started to cry.

sheet music



Marcha Soldado

Children's Song from Brazilian Folklore

Marcha soldado / Cabeça de papel / Se não marchar direito / Vai preso pro quartel / O quartel pegou fogo / A polícia deu sinal / Acode acode acode / A bandeira nacional

Marching Soldier / Head of Paper / If you don't march right / To the barracks you'll go / The barracks caught fire / The police called / Help Help Help / The nationa flag

sheet music




Un éléphant qui se balançait


Un (1) éléphant qui se balançait Sur une toile toile toile toile d'araignée Il trouvait ce jeu tellement amusant Qu'il allat chercher un 2ème éléphant. Deux (2) éléphants qui se balançaient Sur une toile toile toile toile d'araignée Il trouvaient ce jeu tellement amusant Qu'ils allairent chercher un 3ème éléphant.

see Mexican translation of same song

sheet music

Julien Tous


À la claire fontaine


A la claire fontaine m'en allant promener j'ai trouvé l'eau si belle que je m'y suis baigné. Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, jamais je ne t'oublierai.


sheet music



Frère jacques


Frère Jacques (bis) Dormez-vous ? (bis) Sonnez les matines ! (bis) Din’, ding’, dong’ ! (bis)


sheet music



Au clair de la lune


Au clair de la lune, Mon ami Pierrot, Prête-moi ta plume Pour écrire un mot. Ma chandelle est morte, Je n'ai plus de feu, Ouvre-moi ta porte, Pour l'amour de Dieu.


sheet one



{o} Unfortunately not suitable for this application.

Dorothy - By Seymour Smith


None (piano music)


file1 and file2

James Shubin -



Boci, boci tarka

Hungary, Nursery Rhyme

Boci, boci tarka, / Se füle, se farka, / Oda megyünk lakni, / Ahol tejet kapni.

Spotted, spotted, cow, cow, / Has no ears and no tail / Where are we gonna live, / Where you can get some milk.




Nyuszi ül a fűben

Hungary, Nursery Rhyme

Nyuszi ül a fűben, / ülve szundikálva. / Nyuszi talán beteg vagy, / hogy már nem is ugorhatsz? / Nyuszi hopp! Nyuszi hopp! / Máris egyet elkapott.

The rabbit is sitting in the grass, / Dozing, sitting. / Rabbit, are you perhaps ill, / That you can't even jump? / Rabbit oops! Rabbit oops! / It has already caught one.




Lánc, lánc, eszterlánc

Hungary, Children's Song

Lánc, lánc, eszterlánc, / eszterlánci cérna, / cérna volna, selyem volna, / mégis kifordulna. / Pénz volna karika, karika, / forduljon ki Marika, / Marikának lánca.

Chain, chain, turning chain, / Thread of the turning chain, / Would it be a thread, would it be silk, / Yet it would turn outwards. / The coin would be a ring, a ring, / Mary should turn outwards, / Mary's chain.




Tavaszi szél vizet áraszt

Hungary, Children's Song

Tavaszi szél vizet áraszt, virágom, virágom. / Minden madár társat választ virágom, virágom. / Hát én immár kit válasszak? Virágom, virágom. / Te engemet, én tégedet, virágom, virágom.

The spring wind blows the waters, my flower, / Every bird searches for a partner, my flower, / And I, whom should I choose, my flower, / I choose you, and you choose me, my flower.





Zec kopa repu


Zec kopa repu, a lisica cveklu / Vuk im se prikrade, zeca da ukrade / Zec spazi repu, a lisica cveklu / Vuka nije bilo, u snu im se snilo

Rabbit's digging up a turnip, fox's digging up a beetroot / Wolf is sneaking, wants to catch rabbit / Rabbit finds the turnip, fox finds the beetroot / There was no wolf, it was just their dream

sheet music

Aleksandar Micovic

United Kingdom


Baa, Baa, Black Sheep


Baa, baa, black sheep, / Have you any wool? / Yes, sir, yes, sir, / Three bags full; / One for the master, / And one for the dame, / And one for the little boy / Who lives down the lane



James Belchamber

{o} too high for now

The Grand Old Duke of York


Oh, The grand old Duke of York, / He had ten thousand men; / He marched them up to the top of the hill, / And he marched them down again. / And when they were up, they were up, / And when they were down, they were down, / And when they were only half-way up, / They were neither up nor down.


sheet music

James Belchamber


Humpty Dumpty


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, / Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. / All the king's horses and all the king's men / Couldn't put Humpty together again


sheet music

James Belchamber


Jack and Jill


Jack and Jill went up the hill / To fetch a pail of water. / Jack fell down and broke his crown, / And Jill came tumbling after


sheet music

James Belchamber



Wlazł kotek na płotek


Wlazł kotek na płotek i mruga, / Ładna to piosenka nie długa. / Nie długa, nie krótka, lecz w sam raz, / Zaśpiewaj koteczku jeszcze raz.

A kitten sits on the fence and it blinks./ It’s a pretty song, and it’s not long. / Not long, not short, but just right. / Come on, little kitten, sing again.

sheet music

Rafał Kordowski



Φεγγαράκι μου λαμπρό


Φεγγαράκι μου λαμπρό, / Φέγγε μου να περπατώ, / Να πηγαίνω στο σχολειό / Να μαθαίνω γράμματα, / Γράμματα σπουδάματα / Του Θεού τα πράματα.

My little shining moon, / Light my way so I can walk / To go to school, / To learn my lessons, / Reading and writing, / God's wishes.

sheet music

Tom Tryfonidis

{o} not added because melody is identical to above

Η γιαγιά


Η γιαγιά μας η καλή, / Έχει κότες στην αυλή, / Κότες και κοτόπουλα, / Χήνες και χηνόπουλα/ / Και τον πρώτο πετεινό, / Μέσα σ'όλο το χωριό, / Που λαλεί καθέ πρωί, / Στης γιαγιάς μας την αυλή. / Η γιαγιά μας η καλή, / Έχει ραπτομήχανη, / Και γαζώνει και μπαλώνει, / Του παππού το πάντελόνι.

Our kind grandmother / Has chickens in her yard, / Chickens and chicks, / Geese & goslings. / And the first rooster / In the entire village, / That crows every morning / In our grandmother's yard. / Our kind grandmother / Has a sewing machine / And sews and patches / Our grandfather's pants.

sheet music

Tom Tryfonidis


Βρέχει, χιονίζει


Βρέχει, χιονίζει, / Τα μάρμαρα ποτίζει, / Κι' ο γέρος πα στα ξύλα / Κ' η γριά του μαγειρεύει / Κουρκούτι με το μέλι. / "'Ελα γέρο μου να φας / Πού να φας την / κουτσουλιά, / Και του σκύλλου την οριά."

It's raining, it's snowing, / It soaks the rocks*, / And the old man goes for wood, / And his old wife cooks / Pap** with honey. / "Come on, old man, to eat; / Oh that you might eat dung / And the dog's tail!"

sheet music

Tom Tryfonidis



Котику сіренький


Котику сіренький, / Котику біленький, / Котку волохатий, / Не ходи по хаті! / Не ходи по хаті, / Не буди дитяти! / Дитя буде спати, / Котик воркотати. / Ой на кота воркота, / На дитину дрімота. / А-а, люлі!

Kitty gray, / Kitty white, / Kitty shaggy / Do not go in the house! / Do not go in the house, / Do not wake the child! / A baby will sleep / Kitty will rumble. / Oh the rumble to the cat, / The nap to the child. / A-ah liuli...

sheet music

Yuri Chornoivan



Kolme varista

Finnish nursery rhyme

Kolme varista istui aidalla. Silivati seilaa, silivati seilaa, yksi lensi pois. Kaksi varista istui aidalla. Silivati seilaa, silivati seilaa, yksi lensi pois. Yksi varis vain istui aidalla. Silivati seilaa, silivati seilaa, sekin lensi pois.

Three crows sat on a fence. Silivati seilaa, silivati seilaa, one of them flew away. Two crows sat on a fence. Silivati seilaa, silivati seilaa, one of them flew away. One crow alone sat on a fence. Silivati seilaa, silivati seilaa, that one, too, flew away.

sheet music

Janne Uusitalo

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Your Favorite Children's Melody



lyrics translation


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2024-10-23 10:58