evolution-kolab is a project to provide connectivity to Kolab groupware servers for Evolution.
1. evolution-kolab - How to set up the pbuilder package building tool
2. Setting up pbuilder in context of evolution-kolab
2.1. Condensed walkthrough
Suppose we leave most settings at their sensible default: Using an Ubuntu Lucid (10.04 LTS) linux, you may want to do the following:
sudo pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd
Then create a .pbuilderrc file in your users $HOME:
cat - << EOF > $HOME/.pbuilderrc BASETGZ=/var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz DISTRIBUTION="lucid" BUILDRESULT="/var/cache/pbuilder/result" APTCACHE="/var/cache/pbuilder/aptcache" BUILDPLACE="/var/cache/pbuilder/build" BINDMOUNTS="/var/cache/archive" COMPONENTS="main restricted universe multiverse" OTHERMIRROR="deb file:///var/cache/archive lucid/|deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jacob/evo230/ubuntu lucid main" EOF
Next run:
sudo pbuilder update --override-config
Now you need to setup mini-dinstall and dput, so that you can "upload" packages to your local distribution archive, which is included in your pbuilder environment by the configuration above.
Install dput and mini-dinstall.
sudo apt-get install dput mini-dinstall
Create the configuration files in your $HOME, first .mini-dinstall.conf:
cat - << EOF > $HOME/.mini-dinstall.conf [DEFAULT] architectures = all, i386, amd64, powerpc archivedir = /var/cache/archive/ use_dnotify = 0 verify_sigs = 0 extra_keyrings = ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg mail_on_success = 0 archive_style = flat poll_time = 10 mail_log_level = NONE [sid] [lenny] [maverick] [lucid] [UNRELEASED] EOF
Next create .dput.cf:
cat - << EOF > $HOME/.dput.cf [local] method = local incoming = /var/cache/archive/mini-dinstall/incoming allow_non-us_software = 1 run_dinstall = 0 post_upload_command = mini-dinstall --batch
When doing the first upload, you may need to manually run mini-dinstall in daemon mode so it will create it's directory layout (under /var/cache/archive/mini-dinstall in our case) where it will store the uploaded packages. Kill it (mini-dinstall -k) after the first run, dput will take it from there. In order for pbuilder to be able to read the freshly-uploaded packages, make sure the user which runs pbuilder has sufficient read permissions on /var/cache/archive and it's subdirectories.