1. Building Counduit from source
1.1. Dependencies
Conduit depends on the following :
goocanvas > 0.9.0
- pygoocanvas
- vobject
- gtkmozembed (packaged as gnome-python-extras)
- python elementtree or python 2.5
- python sqlite3 (packaged as pysylite2) or python 2.5
Optional dependencies :
- For opensync support you will need opensync cvs
- For ipod photo suport you will need a cvs copy of libgpod
1.2. Installing Development Versions
- Checkout from source :
git clone git://git.gnome.org/conduit
Either run Conduit directly ( I ), or build and install it ( II and III )
- Run (no make or install needed) :
cd conduit ./conduit/conduit
- Build :
./autogen.sh && make
Configure accepts --prefix /PREFIX/DIR as a command line argument to install into a different directory.
- Install :
sudo make install
You may start Conduit from Applications -> Accessories