1. Using Gtk+
1.1. Create edit.vala
Copy/paste this into a file called edit.vala:
void main(string[] args) { GtkClutter.init(ref args); var window = new Gtk.Window(); var embed = new GtkClutter.Embed() { width_request = 640, height_request = 480 }; window.add(embed); var edit = new Gtk.TextView() { width_request = 640, height_request = 480, wrap_mode = Gtk.WrapMode.CHAR }; edit.buffer.text = "Edit me!"; embed.get_stage().add_child(new GtkClutter.Actor.with_contents(edit)); window.destroy.connect(Gtk.main_quit); window.show_all(); Gtk.main(); }
1.2. Compile and run
In a terminal:
valac --pkg=clutter-1.0 --pkg=gtk+-3.0 --pkg=clutter-gtk-1.0 edit.vala ./edit
1.3. Result
First, notice that Gtk+, not Clutter, is responsible for managing the main window and the event loop (because Gtk+ needs to be in control for its widgets to work). Thus, our usual
Clutter.init(ref args); ... stage.show(); stage.destroy.connect(Clutter.main_quit); Clutter.main();
gets replaced by
GtkClutter.init(ref args); ... window.show(); window.destroy.connect(Gtk.main_quit); Gtk.main();
Inside this Gtk+ window, we placed a GtkClutter.Embed (which is a Gtk+ widget). This GtkClutter.Embed is what actually provides a Clutter.Stage that we can use:
var embed = new GtkClutter.Embed() { ... window.add(embed); ... embed.get_stage().add_child(...);
Finally, we created a Gtk.TextView. But, this Gtk.!Textview isn't an actor; it needs to be wrapped in a GtkClutter.Actor (which is a Clutter actor) before we can use it in Clutter:
var edit = new Gtk.TextView() { ... embed.get_stage().add_child(new GtkClutter.Actor.with_contents(edit));
To recap, the nesting goes
Gtk.Window -> GtkClutter.Embed -> Clutter.Stage (implicit) -> GtkClutter.Actor -> Gtk.TextView