City of Largo Bounties
- OpenOffice: 2x2 Impress Layout
- OpenOffice: 3x2 Impress Layout
- OpenOffice: Sentence Case
- Evolution: PDF drop and drag
- Evolution: Add View >> Gallery
- pdfshuffler: Import Pictures
- pdfshuffler: Import OpenDocument Files
- pdfshuffler: Button to show current size and page count
- Evolution plugin: Display Groupwise Quota information
- Evolution: Calendar printout love
- Slab/Main Menu Icon Cleanup
1. City of Largo Bounties
1.1. OpenOffice: 2x2 Impress Layout
Description: Add a new Impress layout side which allows you to easily insert 4 photos in a 2x2 grid
Status: Complete, merged into milestone 49, release scheduled for 3.2
1.2. OpenOffice: 3x2 Impress Layout
Description: Add a new Impress layout side which allows you to easily insert 6 photos in a 3x2 grid
Status: Complete, merged into milestone 49, release scheduled for 3.2
1.3. OpenOffice: Sentence Case
Description: Add the feature to turn the highlighted text into sentence case. First word starts with upper case.
Status: Submitted and being tested by Sun, will require an OASIS/.odt file change to support holding this character style in the document.
1.4. Evolution: PDF drop and drag
Description: Allow for drop and drag from email to Nautilus, and export the document into PDF format and auto-select a file name.
Status: Complete, waiting for approval from upstream.
1.5. Evolution: Add View >> Gallery
Description: Add a feature like OpenOffice that allows you to easily have images in the composer UI and allow for easy drop and drags.
Status: Complete, waiting for approval from upstream.
1.6. pdfshuffler: Import Pictures
Description: Allow drop and drag of pictures into the UI, which then become physical pages. The pictures should be lowered in resolution to fit the page. No need to store a 10 megapixel image in a PDF.
Status: Accepted by Pepp
1.7. pdfshuffler: Import OpenDocument Files
Description: Allow drop and drag of open document files into the UI. They are then converted into physical PDF pages which can be shuffled.
Status: Accepted by Pepp
1.8. pdfshuffler: Button to show current size and page count
Description: Add a button that once clicked will generate a UI that displays the current page count, and total file size. Users often build for email limitations, and need to know the status of their current document.
Status: Accepted by Pepp
1.9. Evolution plugin: Display Groupwise Quota information
Description: Create an Evolution plugin that displays the users current Groupwise quota total. I was hoping for a percentage widget on the lower status bar. Quotas present a high level of support, big conceptual failure of available space.
Status: Open
1.10. Evolution: Calendar printout love
Description: Fix various printing issues in the calendar.
Status: Open
1.11. Slab/Main Menu Icon Cleanup
Icon 1: City/Applications, Results (FM), this is a tool to query our database for custom reports.
Icon 2: Dept/Community Development, UL Directories. Underwriter laboratories, maybe UL symbol?
icon 3: Dept/Fire Rescue, County 911, maybe those three buttons from a telephone?
icon 4: Dept/Police, Pawns, Something reflecting a pawn shop?
icon 5: Dept/Police, PawnSearch, Same icon as 4 except with a magnify glass over the top.